Payroll and personnel action requests are facilitated via webforms. The below forms have been created to allow for the effecient processing of actions that are most commonly requested in a student worker's employment lifecycle.
STUDENT (non academic) Actions:
Student Intake Request - Utilized to provide notification when a student employee has been hired.
Student Separation (non-academic) - Separation of a student employee. Not necessary if the student has auto terminated unless realignment of correct separation reason code is requested.
Fund Change - Utilize to request a prospective change to funding for a student (non-academic) position
Direct Retro- Utilize to request a re-alignment of wages that have already posted to the labor ledger for a student (non-academic) position
Reclassification - Utilize to request the update of classification for a student position (non-academic)
Request Short Work Break - Utilize to place a student (non-academic) position on a short work break, not to exceed 4 months. Utilize UCPath Cognos report R-108 to monitor employees on SWB.
Return from SWB - Utilize this form to request a return from a short work break for a student (non-academic) position.
Federal Work Study Contract Submission - Use this form to submit a FWS contract to Payroll Services if it was not completed during the intial hire process or when update an exsisting employee's FWS record.
Time and Attendance update information can be found here.